
Showing posts from June, 2014

It's true - He is so good!!!

It has been a long while since I sat at my computer and open my blog.  I have often had fleeting thoughts as something would happen that it would make a good blog - then time escapes my grasp and nothing was written. We just Celebrated our 1 year anniversary at our Church!  A year ago I had no clue what saying yes to the Lord's calling would really mean for myself, my family and our church!  It has been an incredible year - full of joy, blessings, days and nights of prayer, and a lot of hard work. Today I know my Lord more intimately that I ever could have a year ago.  I am more confident in what He can and will do than I tell you.  Perhaps more than all else I am more in love with Him than you can imagine and I long to love and serve Him more! Psalm 34:8 says 'taste and see that the LORD is good!' I have taste and it's true! - He is more spectacular than I could ever tell you!!!