He Captured My Heart
Easter and passover are around the corner. Easter, Good Friday thru Resurrection Sunday are by far my favourite days of any year. If It where up to me, Good Friday would be dark and stormy, the sun would hid itself from our view. The wind would blow, the earth would mourn. I am in awe of what happened 2000 years ago when Immanuel, God with us, allowed the Roman soldiers to nail Him, the Creator and Saviour of the world, to a cross. Sunday marked the beginning of Holy Week, as we remember the Triumphal Entry Jesus made into Jerusalem. The gospel writers tell us that the crowds cheered as Jesus came into the city on the back of donkey. 'Hosanna, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord'. When I close my eyes I can see the crowds, tossing their palm branches to the ground, cheering the arrival of the one they had seen and heard. The man whose words were not like any other. The one who had given sight to the blind, words to the dumb and leg...