
Showing posts from March, 2013

He Captured My Heart

Easter and passover are around the corner. Easter, Good Friday thru Resurrection Sunday are by far my favourite days of any year.  If It where up to me, Good Friday would be dark and stormy, the sun would hid itself from our view.  The wind would blow, the earth would mourn. I am in awe of what happened 2000 years ago when Immanuel, God with us, allowed the Roman soldiers to nail Him, the Creator and Saviour of the world, to a cross. Sunday marked the beginning of Holy Week, as we remember the Triumphal Entry Jesus made into Jerusalem.  The gospel writers tell us that the crowds cheered as Jesus came into the city on the back of donkey. 'Hosanna, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord'.  When I close my eyes I can see the crowds, tossing their palm branches to the ground, cheering the arrival of the one they had seen and heard.  The man whose words were not like any other.  The one who had given sight to the blind, words to the dumb and leg...

He was my Son!

From the day I was told I was chosen to be his mother I have been afraid, not for him but for me.  It has always been a strange sort of fear, a fear from deep within my soul, I ached, I ached for this boy of mine, when he was a baby I cared for him as all mother's do.  Knowing in my heart that someday the entire world would know as I did that he, my Jesus, my son was also His son.  I remember watching him with Joseph; together they would work for hours building things in the carpentry shop.  Oh, how they loved being together.  Perhaps it is a blessing that Joseph is not here to see what they have done to our boy.   Thomas, found me and told me of the things that happened in the garden, that the soldiers had come to arrest my son.  They don't see what is right in front of them, they accuse him and hate him all in the name of God, but they fail to see that the one they hate is God.  My son, sent from heaven to love them, to save them...

How do you measure love?

What is love?  Is there a way to quantify or measure love?  Has love changed or have we becoming more sceptical?  I am not simply referencing romantic love, but all love.   We live in a world that has produced a cheap disposable knockoff version of love.  Love that cost very little, love that takes much, gives little, is easily tossed a side when it is challenged, uncomfortable, or inconvenient.  This world offers a self-seeking, self- promoting, lazy version of love.  The love of this world is a lie! We have the true, authentic, genuine, pure, spectacular, magnificent, and honest, love.  Love that was poured out from heaven, that while we were still sinners, evil, selfish, self-absorbed, self-righteous, sinners Christ died for us. Love that is worth everything; love that is not easy, love that is selfless, love that hopes and believes for better despite what you can see, love that gives up your rights, and surrenders your life like...

Who Am I?

Who am I ...When I feel small? Who am I ... When I feel unworthy? Who am I ... When I am insecure? Who am I ... When I am unsure? Who am I ... When I feel like not enough? Who am I ... When the mountain before me is all I see? I am ... A daughter of the King of Kings! I am ... Bought with a price! I am ... Redeemed! I am ... Loved! I am ... Of infinite worth! I am ... Set apart for His great purposes! I am ... A new creation! I am ... His!! All who have received Him, to those who believed in his name, He gave the right to be come children of God. - John 1:12