How do you measure love?

What is love?  Is there a way to quantify or measure love?  Has love changed or have we becoming more sceptical?  I am not simply referencing romantic love, but all love.  

We live in a world that has produced a cheap disposable knockoff version of love.  Love that cost very little, love that takes much, gives little, is easily tossed a side when it is challenged, uncomfortable, or inconvenient. 
This world offers a self-seeking, self- promoting, lazy version of love. The love of this world is a lie!

We have the true, authentic, genuine, pure, spectacular, magnificent, and honest, love.  Love that was poured out from heaven, that while we were still sinners, evil, selfish, self-absorbed, self-righteous, sinners Christ died for us.

Love that is worth everything; love that is not easy, love that is selfless, love that hopes and believes for better despite what you can see, love that gives up your rights, and surrenders your life like Jesus did for you for me on that cross.  

True love, God’s love is measure by two posts, four spikes, and One Saviour willing to surrender His life for the veil, evil, selfish, murderous creation, us.  Love, God’s love sees through all the masks, all the sin, and finds His imagine in us

Mother Teresa said the ‘The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, rather the feeling of being unwanted.’

It is easy to sit in our homes, stay with in our families, keep to ourselves and see the world around us as someone else’s responsibility.  So many times people have said to me and perhaps to you, if God is real why are so many people suffering, why isn’t He doing something about it.  Friends He has, He created You! 
You and I are the solution, we have to ability to change the world.  Perhaps it seems like a fanciful idea, but 2000 years ago love changed everything.  Our Saviour was beaten, bled and died on the cross because He loved me, because He loved you! 

Love has been measured and poured out, perhaps the greater question is what are we doing with that love? 


  1. Thanks for posting this, Pastor Crystal. It was a very convicting read. It is true that it is easier to keep that amazing love that we've been given to ourselves, to our own family - while there is a world around us who needs it so desperately in place of that, "cheap, disposable, knockoff verson" . I am challenged. Thank you.


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