How big is your God?

If you have read any of my post you are getting the picture that I love the Lord!!  I am crazy about the Bible and I look with anticipation for Him to engage me and change me every day.  I long to be more like Jesus with every breath I take.  

And yet the journey is difficult, this week I spent more time praying for patience as a mom than perhaps anything else.  I wake up grumpy, sometimes my heart is not happy.  I battle insecurities, exhaustion,  discouragement and fear like everyone else.  But I want more!!  I want to be more!

I heard a portion of a message this past week by Charles Stanley, I don't know the context of what I heard but it struck something deep within my heart.  Dr. Stanley said something along these lines 'The bigger our prayers, the greater we bless God by our faith".

This has me wondering, do I pray with the probable in mind?  Or do I pray to the God to whom nothing is impossible?

I confess there have been times my prayers have been limited to the probable, the things I can imagine. Yet I have witnessed, experienced the seemingly impossible. Prayers answered beyond my wildest dreams.

I want more! I want to see mountains moved by faith.  Families and marriages restored, physical and spiritual healing.  I want to live so radically different than this world dictates that there is no question that He is Lord of my life.

It seems that there is a movement within Christendom to make God more like us, to create Him in our image, because to be like Him seems impossible.

G.K. Chesterton said 'it is not that Christianity has been tried and found wanting, its that it has not been tried'

What if we allow who He is to radically change who we are?  What if we/I don't settle for the stale cultural christianity but instead engage of a radically journey of discipleship with the God of this universe?


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