
Showing posts from April, 2013

How big is your God?

If you have read any of my post you are getting the picture that I love the Lord!!  I am crazy about the Bible and I look with anticipation for Him to engage me and change me every day.  I long to be more like Jesus with every breath I take.   And yet the journey is difficult, this week I spent more time praying for patience as a mom than perhaps anything else.  I wake up grumpy, sometimes my heart is not happy.  I battle insecurities, exhaustion,  discouragement and fear like everyone else.  But I want more!!  I want to be more! I heard a portion of a message this past week by Charles Stanley, I don't know the context of what I heard but it struck something deep within my heart.  Dr. Stanley said something along these lines 'The bigger our prayers, the greater we bless God by our faith". This has me wondering, d o I pray with the probable in mind?  Or do I pray to the God to whom nothing is impossible? I confess there have been...

The God who sees Me!

In the bible you will find so many different names for God.  Each name describes an attribute of Him.   I am leading a group of women through a Bible Study and in the study the name El Roi has been discussed. El Roi - 'the God that sees me'. The Psalmist writes 'When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the star, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him' Psalm 8:3-4 That is my question, who am I that the creator of heaven and earth sees me?  I marvel every day at all He has done for me and my family. My faith in Him, my surrendering of myself to Him was not done easily or lightly.  I am certain there were many times on my journey to faith that I must have frustrated Him.   I did not grow up in the church, my faith was not past down from generations, I met Him in the dark.  In a time when my world had crumbled. I found Him in a time when I thought I hated Him.  I was blaming Him for my loss,...

Who do you say He is?

In Matthew 16:13-16 the gospel writer lets us listen in on a conversation between Jesus and His disciples. "When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, 'Who do people say the Son of Man is?'  They replied 'Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.' 'But what about you?' he asked 'Who do you say I am?' Simon Peter answered 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.'" 2000 years ago the greatest event in all of history occurred, a Jewish man named Yeshua (Jesus' hebrew name) hung on a cross just outside Jerusalem, beaten and mocked and hung for dead for being the 'King of the Jews' Despite what some may tell you there is no doubt to the historical existence of Jesus.  Along with the four gospel accounts there are other non biblical historical writings that document this man and His death. The question is not nor has it ever be...